Tuesday, September 19, 2023
The Most Fun and Effective Ab Exercises for Women To Do At Home
Are you ready to sculpt those abs but not sure what to do or how to start?
You have come to the right place! One of the most asked questions we get here at LadyBoss is “how do I get six-pack abs?” The answer... CONSISTENCY!!!
You can work your abs to death, but visibly defined abs come from structure and consistency, meaning healthy nutrition, hydration, total body resistance training, ab and core exercises, and cardio to get amazing results. Let me repeat, exclusively doing ab exercises will not get you six-pack abs. It takes hard work and consistency in all these areas mentioned above.
Let’s start by focusing on the best and most effective ab and core exercises and learn the importance of building a strong core.
Are you ready to dig in and work for those six-pack abs?
The Fascinating Anatomy of Your Abs
Let’s first focus on getting to know the abdominal region better.
AB-Natomy Class:
Muscles of the abdomen
Rectus Abdominis: Known as the six-pack muscles. This area functions to help support your back with extension or flexion.
External & Internal Obliques: Muscles on the side of your torso that are responsible for allowing your body to rotate/twist and lean side to side.
Transverse Abdominis (TVA): Deepest layer of muscle that acts like a corset and is responsible for stabilization of the spine and lower back.
Benefits of strong, firm abs/core:
• Improved posture & stability
• Greater efficiency of movement
• Improved sports performance
• Reduced low back pain
• Ability to lift heavier
• Firmer waistline
• Reduced risk of injury
Now that you have a better understanding of how the abdominals work, it’s time to get started exercising those abs! The following ab workouts at home will help you sculpt a leaner, stronger body and help you feel more confident, too.
With flat stomach exercises and core strength exercises like these, you’ll never need to set foot in the gym again!
Ab Workouts for Women
These ab and core workouts target your midsection by strengthening and firming your ab and core muscles. They can be done at home and require no fancy equipment.
Look no further for ab workouts for women at home, because the following exercises will provide all the ab workouts for your six-pack that you could ever want!
TIP: Perform these exercises with proper form and focus on the quality of the reps, rather than the quantity you’re able to start with.
AB BLASTER - An Awesome At-home Workout
Exercise #1 - sit-ups
If you don’t know how to do sit-ups properly, your answers are here.
With the sit-ups below, you will notice an improvement in both your physique and strength. You can use a bench for sit-ups, but you can also do them on the carpet or a yoga mat. You can also do these military sit-ups to give your core strength an extra boost.
• Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-distance apart and at a 45-degree angle
• Place your hands behind your head, pulling your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together
• Keep your eyes looking up to ensure your neck stays straight in a neutral position
• Exhale out, engage your core as you crunch all the way up, bringing your chest toward your knees
• Lower back down in a slow, controlled motion
• Perform 15-20 reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #2 - Leg Raises
Leg raises (or lateral leg raises) are wonderful ab exercises for six-pack abs.
You can do leg raises anywhere you have enough room to lay down, and you will feel your abs working to the max when you start. Leg raises will make your fitness game strong and get you on the path to smooth weight loss.
• Lie on your back, pressing your low back into the floor
• Engage your core, exhale, and raise both legs up towards the ceiling to a 90-degree angle
• Lower legs down slowly, keeping your back flat on the floor
• Perform 10-15 reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #3 - Bicycle crunches
Crunches are a fitness staple for a good reason.
Crunches will increase your fitness level and target the ab muscles effectively.
You can do crunches in the gym or at home, making them a simple and useful fitness tool to have in your arsenal. You may be surprised to learn there are various types of crunches to do, such as side crunches, reverse crunches, swiss ball crunches, and bicycle crunches.
Let’s see how they are done!
• Lie on your back placing your hands behind your head, pulling your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together
• Extend out your legs, keep your back flat on the floor
• Keep your eyes looking up at to ensure your neck stays straight in a neutral position
• Exhale out, engage your core as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor and twist your torso by bringing your elbow toward the opposite knee and alternating sides.
• Perform 30-40 total reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #4 - Swiss Ball Ab Crunches
• Sit on the exercise ball with feet flat on the floor about shoulder-distance apart
• Roll forward allowing the exercise ball to roll to your mid to lower back
• Place your hands behind your head, pulling your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together
• Keep your eyes looking up to ensure your neck stays straight in a neutral position
• Exhale out, engage your core as you crunch up, bringing your chest toward your belly button
• Lower back down in a slow, controlled motion
• Perform 15-20 reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #5 - Reverse Crunches
• Lie on your back with your legs extended, and your arms down at your sides, palms facing down
• Engage your abs to drive the movement, exhale and raise your glutes up off the floor toward the ceiling
• Lower down in a slow, controlled motion
• Perform 10-15 reps for 2-3 sets
Whether you do your crunches in the gym or do crunches at home, they are amazing flat belly exercises that improve your overall strength and stability!
Core strength starts with core strength exercises that provide targeted tension on one of the key muscle groups in your body. Do as many of these exercises as you can (while making sure you are using focused, intentional movement).
You will see a difference in your body when you make these part of your regular routine and couple them with great nutrition.
Exercise #1 - Mountain climbers
• Begin in a straight arm plank position with your hands placed directly under your shoulders, keeping your shoulders pulled down and back
• Engage your core and keep your back straight
• Jump one knee in toward your chest and back out and alternate sides
• Perform 2-3 sets for 1 minute
Exercise #2 - V-Ups:
• Lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms raised overhead
• Engage your ABs to drive the movement, exhale and raise your head, shoulders, and legs off the floor, reaching your hands toward your toes
• Keep your eyes looking up to ensure your neck stays straight in a neutral position
• Lower down in a slow, controlled motion
• Perform 15-20 reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #3 - Plank Jacks
• Begin in a straight arm plank position with your hands placed directly under your shoulders, keeping your shoulders pulled down and back.
• Engage your core and keep your back straight
• Jump both feet out wide and back together again
• Perform 2-3 sets for 1 minute
Exercise #4 - Straight Leg Ab Crunches
• Lie on your back placing your hands behind your head, pulling your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together
• Raise your legs straight up at a 90-degree angle, keeping a slight bend in your knees
• Keep your eyes looking up to ensure your neck stays straight in a neutral position
• Exhale out, engage your core as you crunch up, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor and bringing your chest toward your belly button
• Lower back down in a slow, controlled motion and repeat for 15-20 reps for 2-3 sets
Exercise #5 - Forearm Plank
• Lie on your stomach and place your forearms on the ground making sure your elbows are placed directly under your shoulders, keeping your shoulders pulled down and back and your legs extended out
• Exhale and lift your entire body up
• Engage your core, tighten your glutes and keep your back straight
• Hold this static position while focusing on your breathing
• Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute for 2-3 sets
When it comes to ab workouts at home, the flat stomach exercises described above will change your life, if you use them regularly! Core strength exercises provide endless benefits and their benefits can’t be emphasized enough.
When you follow this LadyBoss® six-pack ab plan, you will tighten your tummy muscles for a flatter and sexier stomach, strengthen your core (improving posture and decreasing lower back pain), and increase your heart rate to lose weight more easily.
Remember, a strong nutrition and exercise program are key, and accountability makes the difference between success and failure in your weight loss journey.